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Forum > Admiral Mod für Cod2 raus

NetQuarter e.V. >> NetQuarter e.V. LAN-Party Forum > Admiral Mod für Cod2 raus
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Autor Thema: Admiral Mod für Cod2 raus
17.01.2006 um 19:55 AntwortBenutzerprofilNachricht senden

Clan: NetQuarter

Postings: 99

Wird zwar die wenigsten interessieren, aber schon cool was der Mod so kann:

New Features:
- Multiplayer-Missions (not Map limited)
- Multiplayer-Mission Edit-Mode (inside the game)
- Multiplayer-Mission-Packs (you can easy create own Missions!)
- Player-Class-System (Soldier, Medic, TNT, Artillery, Spy)
- Protected AutoDownload ON
- Sprinting: no WeaponPickup
- Grenade Pickup and Return Throw
- Rank-System (like UO)
- New Artillery (like UO + special LightEffects)
- Arm Shot: drop weapon
- Player Bleeding
- Player Healing
- Clan-Logo-Graphic on HUD
- Points settings (CTF/SD)
- Weapon Damage Modifiers *new*
- Player Damage Indicator for the Medic (red hearts) *new*
- Inactive Players - switch to spectator *new*
- New Teamkill Options *new*
- Optional: Unknown Soldier (rename)
- Optional: Damage Feedback
- Optional: S&D BombTimer
- Optimized: Votes
- Optimized: Sprinting
- Many other optimized things and options
"Sir, we are completely surrounded"
"Excellent, now we can attack in ANY direction!"

17.01.2006 um 19:57 AntwortBenutzerprofilNachricht senden


Clan: NetQuarter

Postings: 1022

würd mich vieleicht schon interessieren wenn ich wüsste was Cod2 ist :-D

18.01.2006 um 01:47 AntwortBenutzerprofilNachricht senden

Clan: NetQuarter

Postings: 99

google :P

"Sir, we are completely surrounded"
"Excellent, now we can attack in ANY direction!"

18.01.2006 um 09:54 AntwortBenutzerprofilNachricht senden

Clan: Real Ammo Wasterz

Postings: 1292

May contain scenes of people getting hurt or dying, often by use of weapons. Also may contain gore and blood-letting.
|NQ|Ghost[RAW] hat folgendes geschrieben:
würd mich vieleicht schon interessieren wenn ich wüsste was Cod2 ist :-D

Der zweite teil von call of duty ...
... get your hands on an M-79 grenade launcher, which is like a giant shotgun and is probably the best self-defense weapon of all time.
- Abbie Hoffman, "Steal this Book"

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